Quebec Leukemic Cell Bank and Hematological Cancer Research (BCLQ) :

The main missions of the Quebec Leukemia Cell Bank are:

  1. Develop a bank of well-characterized human hematological cancer cells with a priority for banking of acute leukemia specimens. A computerized database includes the laboratory analyzes performed on these specimens and the corresponding clinical data. These specimens are cryopreserved with high quality standards for various research programs in genomics, proteomics, drug development, etc. The purpose of this biobank is to promote fundamental, translational and clinical research in hematological cancers.
  2. Contribute to the training of specialized staff and students.

The program’s objectives are:

  1. Understanding the mechanisms involved in hematological malignancies
  2. Developing tools and expertise to:
    • Facilitate the work of researchers in hematology, oncology and immunology
    • Facilitate blood cancer diagnosis, prognosis and treatments
  3. Developing new therapies for hematological cancers

 In addition to its banking activities, this theme focuses on:

  • The identification, development and validation of new biomarkers and therapeutic targets in acute leukemia.
  • The support of programs for the development of new personalized therapies, including immunotherapy and the search for new chemical molecules, aimed at eradicating leukemic stem cells.

Director:                                          Scientific Advisor:

Josée Hébert
Université de Montréal
Guy Sauvageau
Université de Montréal


Telephone: 514 252-3400, poste 4678

François Béliveau
CIUSSS de l'Est-de-l'Île-de-Montréal

Scientific Committee:

Frédéric Barabé
Université Laval
Sonia Cellot
Université de Montréal
François Mercier
Université McGill
Marissa Rashkovan
Université de Montréal
Brian Wilhelm
Université de Montréal