Investigateur(s) principal(aux)Co-investiga-teur(s)Titre de la demandeOrganisme subventionnaireMontant total de la demandePériode doctroi
M. Park, F. Saad, P. WongA.-M. Mes-Masson, J. Stagg, D. Provencher, S. Turcotte, D. Claude-Roy, J. Hébert, J.-S. Delisle, L. Busque, C. Rudd, C. Perreault, I. Watson, P. Siegel, L. Walsh, G. Zogopoulos, J. Spicer, L. Ferri, M. Sebag, G. Bourque, B. Knoppers, M. Zawati, G. Batist, W. Miller, M. Basik, S. Assouline, C. Borchers, A. Spatz, C. LoiselleThe Quebec Cancer Consortium for Novel Therapeutics and Biomarkers – QCCMinistère de l’économie et de l’innovation du Québec, Competition: Fonds d’accélération des collaborations en santé (FACS)1000000004/2019-03/2023
A. SpatzC. BorchersDeveloping the next generation PD-L1 assays using precision mass spectroscopyGenome Canada14490002019-2021
S. WadsworthM Park, C. Moraes, M. RicherQuantum Leap, Heating up the fight against cancer: The development of a physiologically-relevant high throughout bioprinted 3D human tumor microenvironment assay that recreates immune “hot” and “cold” tumors Consortium Québécois sur la Découverte du Médicament16392002019-2021
M. BasikS. JennaMultidimentional integrative prognostic signatures combining tissue and plasma profiling in triple negative breast cancer patientsCQDM, CCS, MIMS15000002019-2021
M. Park, S. Mader, M. PollakClaudia Kleinman, Mark Basik, Michael Witcher, Josie Ursini-Siegel, Gerardo FerbyreTargeting vulnerabilities to overcome drug resistance in poor outcome breast cancersOncopole15000002019-2021
C. GreenwoodAllocation awardedQuebec Centre for DNA Damage Response in Pathology and Therapeutics (QcD2RePATH)121272019-2020
C. GreenwoodAdvancing statistical methods for analysis of high dimensional genomic data (Allocation awarded)Compute Canada128992019-2020
W. GotliebDr Susie Lau; Dr Shanon Salvador; Amber YasmeenImproved the Gyne- cancer patients care in the clinic and Laboratory setting through fellowship support grantIsrael Cancer Research Funds9900002003-2019
W. GotliebAmber YasmeenSortilin (SORT1) as a potential target for ADC delivery in ovarian cancer and endometrial cancerKanata Pharma194002018-2019
W. GotliebSusie Lau; Dr Shanon Salvador; Amber YasmeenMicroRNAs in high grade serous ovarian cancer treatment resistanceGeorgette Duchaine Research Fund680932017-2019
T. GervaisMes-Masson, A-M; Provencher, D; Saad, F; Trudel, DmuFO 1.From experimental platform to clinical innovation: empirical drug sensitivity testing for personalized medicine in oncologyInstitut Transmedtech (ITMT)8750011/2018-10/2020
J. Stagg, IR WatsonA.-M. Mes-Masson, M. Basik, G. Batist, V. Blank, G. Bourque, M. Bouvier, L. Busque, C. Perreault, JS Delisle, H. Elie, Haddad; M. Gagnon, J. Hebert, R. Jones, R. Lapointe, B. Mazer, AN Meguerditchian, P. Metrakos, M. Park, P. Thibault; D. Quail, F. Rodier, P. Siegel, A. Spatz, S. Turcotte, G. Ursini-Siegel, B. Wilhelm, G. ZogopoulosMontreal Cancer Consortium (MCC)Fonds de la Recherche en Santé du Québec (FRSQ) - Oncopole - Terry Fox Research Institute (TFRI) and partners625000010/2018-09/2020
A-M Mes-Masson, J-Y Masson, F. RodierGervais, T; Lebel, M; Poirier, G; Provencher, D; Wu, JHTargeting genome instability as an essential vulnerability in ovarian cancer.Fonds de la Recherche en Santé du Québec (FRSQ) / IRICor150000010/2018-09/2021
D JunckerMes-Masson, A-M; Provencher, D; Veres, TMicrofiltration of circulating and disseminated tumor cells in ovarian cancer: From monitoring therapeutic response towards predicting disease outcome.Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)38250007/2018-06/2021
A. AjjiWertheimer MR, Bachvarov D, Pollak M, Park M, Topisirovic I.Bioactive 3D scaffolds: innovative substrates for cancer drugs screening/discovery and personalized cancer therapyTRANSMEDTECH, Montreal68550005/2018 – 04/2021
P. ToninI. RagoussisDiscovering new high-risk ovarian cancer predisposing genes through targeted genetic analyses of a Canadian founder populationInstituts de recherche en santé du Canada68085004/2018-03/2023
P. ToninC.M.T. Greenwood, I. RagoussisInterrogating large available biobank data from defined cohorts to investigate a moderately infrequent, functionally aberrant potentially actionable proposed new cancerInstituts de recherche en santé du Canada9906004/2018-03/2019
C. DiorioA. Tchernof,F. Durocher, L. ProvencherOmega-3 fatty acids in the prevention of breast cancer: role of obesity-related markers in breast tissuesInstituts de recherche en santé du Canada60817604/2018 - 03/2022
W. GotliebS. Lau; S. Salvador; A. YasmeenTumor Gangliosides: novel diagnostic and prognostic markers in uterine cancers.Cancer Research Society2000002018-2020
W. GotliebS. Lau; S. Salvador; A. YasmeenIdentification of New Molecular Subgroups of High-Grade Serous Ovarian Carcinoma treated with Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy: impact on prognosis and therapyInstituts de recherche en santé du Canada6750002018-2022
W. GotliebAmber YasmeenInhibition of PARG sensitizes ovarian cancer cells to PARP inhibitors and DNA damaging agentsUS Army Grant750002018-2019
S. AssoulineDevelopment of new combination therapeutic strategies in leukemiaTerry Fox Research Institute, Montreal Cancer Consortium9000010/2018-09/2020
N. JohnsonOptimizing immunotherapy for high-risk lymphomaInstituts de recherche en santé du Canada5258902018-2023
W. MillerDel Rincon, Sonia V; Fritz, Jorg HTargeting the Mnk/eIF4E axis in the tumor microenvironment of pregnancy associated breast cancersInstituts de recherche en santé du Canada6923252018-2023
M. FabianInvestigating nPABP, a putative neural translational repressorInstituts de recherche en santé du Canada7841252018-2023
C. KleinmanTackling Childhood Brain Cancer at the root to improve survival and quality of lifeGenome Canada129973972018-2022
L AzoulayChercheur Boursier (Senior)FRQS2312162018-2022
G. Sauvageau, J. HébertPhilippe Roux, Anne Marinier, Sébastien Lemieux, Frédéric Barabé, Pierre Thibault, Myke TyersInterrogating and implementing Omics for precision medicine in Acute Myeloid LeukemiaGenome-Canada LSARP 2017, Genomics and Precision Health127850002018 –2022
B. WilhelmSonia Cellot, Frédéric Barabé, Sébastien Lemieux, Josée Hébert, Guy Sauvageau, Anne Marinier, Mike Tyers, Kolja EppertÉtablissement d'un pipeline de criblage chimiogénomique pour les leucémies pédiatriques à haut risqueOncopole EMC215000002018-2021
C. PerreaultPierre Thibault, Jean-Sébastien Delisle, Sébastien Lemieux, Michel Tremblay, Xavier RoucouDevelopment of precision therapeutic vaccines against acute myeloid and lymphoid leukemiasOncopole EMC215000002018-2021
M. ParkM. Pollak, S. MaderTargetable vulnerabilities to overcome drug resistance in poor outcome breast cancersFRQS-Oncopole, Multi-institutional teams against cancer15000002018-2021
T. Muanza, J. BalogunEdjah Nduom, Ekokobe Fonkem, Alan Davidson, Teddy Totimeh, Patrick Bankah, Trish Scanlan, Irene NgongNeuro-Oncology Educational Course in The Developing WorldSociety of Neuo-Oncology300002018-2021
G. SauvageauJosée HébertRUNX1 mutation sensitizes human AML to H3K27 hypomethylation: a step toward precision therapyCanadian Cancer Society (CCS-Cole Program)7456132018-2021
T. MuanzaRequest for Proposal Neuro-Oncology Educational Course in The Developing WorldSociety of Neuro-Oncology300002018-2021
J. HébertBrian Wilhelm, Sonia CellotTowards a better risk-adapted therapy in young adults with acute myeloid leukemiaCanadian Cancer Society (CCS-Cole Program)7500002018-2021
S. CellotUncovering the role of NE01 in NUP98 acute megakaryoblastic leukemiaLeukemia Lymphoma Society of Canada2400002018-2020
M. BasikTargeting chemotherapy resistance in triple negative breast cancerCancer Research Society1200002018-2020
N. JohnsonOptimizing immunotherapy for high-risk adolescent and young adult lymphomasCCSRI12087002018-2020
C. PerreaultThe molecular landscape of leukemia-specific antigenLeukemia Lymphoma Society of Canada2400002018-2020
C. Pabst, University of Heidelberg,GermanyAdhesion GPCR signaling in hematopoietic stem and progenitor cellsPA-2815/2-1, Max-Eder-Grant, Junior Research Group Program of the German Cancer Aid, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, Halle (Saale), Germany2150002018-2020
F. BarabéPhilippe TessierBiology of S100A8 and S100A9 Proteins in Human Acute Myeloid LeukemiaLeukemia Lymphoma Society of Canada2000002018-2020
A. PichéPaul Bessette, Perrine Garde-GrangerNew ascites biomarkers for ovarian cancer, determined through cytokine arrays, predictive of first-line drug resistance.CRCHUS250002018-2019
R. Sapir-PichhadzeL. AzoulayImmunosuppression and cancer risk in kidney transplant recipients: A retrospective cohort study.Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada750002018-2019
R. LeblancJosée HébertBanque de myélomes (affiliée à la BCLQ)Chaire Myélome Canada200002018-2019
M. Basik and P. SiegelExploring changes in GPNMB and other biomarkers in breast cancer upon treatmentPrivate1000002018-2019
C. DiorioUne approche personnalisée pour la prévention et le traitement du cancer du seinFRQ-S - Bourse salariale Chercheur-boursier senior22474107/2017 – 06/2020
P. Tonin (C. Fierheller, trainee)Molecular genetic analysis of FANCI, a new candidiate predisposing ovarian cancer geneOCC (Trainee Internship Travel Award)250006/2017
S. EloweF. Durocher,C. DiorioThe Role of Mitotic Proteins in Breast Cancer developmentBourse interthématique du Centre de recherche sur le cancer-Université Laval2000004/2017 – 03/2019
A-M Mes-MassonP.N. Tonin, W. Gotlieb, S. Lau, S. Salvador, A. YasmeenRéseau de recherche sur le cancer - Axe banque de tissus et de donnéesFRQS320000004/2017-03/2021
S. AssoulineA randomized phase II study of ribavirin and vismodegib with or without decitabine for the treatment of acute myeloid leukemia with high eIF4EJewish General Hospital Foundation18500003/2017 – 03/2018
S. AssoulineA Phase I study of venetoclax with rituximab, gemcitabine, dexamethasone and cisplatinum in relapsed and refractory diffuse large B cell lymphomaAbbvie Canada20000002/2017 – 02/2020
B. WilhelmSonia Cellot, Frédéric BarabéSystematic studies of human models of acute myeloid leukemia: establishing a pipeline for novel targeted therapeuticsCCSRI Impact grant12500002017-2022
S. MaderMechanisms controlling estrogen receptor alpha expression and activity in breast tumorigenesisInstituts de recherche en santé du Canada7280002017-2022
C. KleinmanC. GreenwoodModeling gene expression trajectories in the human developing brain: applications to pediatric brain tumorsInstituts de recherche en santé du Canada7535252017-2022
C. BorchersThe Metabolomics Innovation CentreGenome Canada Genome BC17829902017-2022
C. BorchersThe Metabolomics Innovation CentreCFI-MSI8992152017-2022
C. Borchers, L. FosterThe Pan-Canadian Proteomics Centre: An Integrated Platform for Comprehensive, Innovative, Translational Proteomics Research in CanadaGenome Canada/ Genome BC74674852017-2022
A. OrthweinRegulation of DNA double-strand break repair pathways in multiple myelomaCanadian Institutes of Health Research8529752017-2022
M. BasikC. Greenwood, S. Huang, M. ParkInnovative pre-clinical models to overcome drug resistance in triple negative breast cancerInstituts de recherche en santé du Canada9600002017-2022
M. WitcherNAChercheur Boursier Junior 2 Fonds de la recherche en santé du Québec (FRSQ)3080002017-2021
C. BorchersInnovative cleavable link strategy based on mass spectrometry for the elucidation of drug binding sitesFRQNT2984502017-2020
T. MuanzaCold Plasma Therapy as adjuvant to radiotherapy for breast cancer treatmentMEDTEQ4620722017-2020
I. Topisirovic The role of epitranscriptome and translational dysregulation in cancerCIHR/ISF/IDRC5832002017-2020
G. Sauvageau Anne MarinierRUNX1 mutations that confer exquisite sensitivity to glucocorticoids in leukemiaLeukemia Lymphoma Society US, Translation Research Program600,000 USD2017 - 2020
I. Topisirovic Rôles de la synthèse protéique et du métabolisme énergétique dans le cancerChercheur Boursier Junior 2 Fonds de la recherche en santé du Québec (FRSQ)2348672017-2020
A. MarinierGuy SauvageauDéveloppement de Grappes de Corrélation de Composés (GCC) pour l’identification de nouvelles cibles en LMAMinistere économie, Science et Innovation du Quebec (MESI) - Gestion UNIVALOR5000002017-2019
J. Ursini-SiegelChercheurs Boursiers (Senior)FRQS1200002017-2019
C. GreenwoodKDM5C mutations as determinants of sexdependent therapy in renal cell carcinomaCancer Research Society2400002017-2019
M. BasikStrategies to overcome resistance to trastuzumab in breast cancerPfizer2000002017-2019
C. Kleinman, S. CostantinoNovel biophotonic tools for understanding breast cancer metastasis signalingCanadian Cancer Society Research Institute1960002017-2019
J. HébertDevelopment of new prognostic markers in acute myeloid leukemiaLeukemia Lymphoma Society – of Canada2000002017 - 2019
L. PanasciParp3 inhibitors with chemotherapy in breast cancerThe Cancer Research Society1200002017 - 2019
G. SauvageauPodoplanin is a key new player in acute promyelocytic leukemiaLeukemia Lymphoma Society – of Canada2000002017 - 2019
W. GotliebmiRNA in ovarian cancerDuchaine Memorial Fund1750002017-2019
W. MillerMechanisms of response and resistance to EZH2 inhibitors in B cell malignanciesSamuel Waxman Cancer Research Foundation2017-2019
S. SabriCharacterization of the immunosuppressive local microenvironment and therapeutic targets in Glioblastoma.Cancer Research Society2400002017-2019
U. SaragoviGlycomimetics as cancer vaccinesGlycoNet NCE-CIHR2500002017-2018
J.Ursini-SiegelTargeting tyrosine kinase signalling networks to reverse STAT family–driven breast cancer immune suppressionCCSRI3260002017-2020
M. PollakInvestigating the effect of IM188 on antitumour immunityImmunoMet Therapeutics Inc26,468 USD2017-2018
Alan SpatzCOSMET (COllecting, analyzing, and screening Skin MElanoma for best combination TherapyICRF1500002017-2018
W. FoulkesBudget alloué dans le cadre du projet FRQS-Réseau de recherche sur le cancer.Fonds de la Recherche en Santé du Québec (FRSQ)300002017-2018
W. FoulkesLiquid Biopsies for Breast Cancer Diagnosis.Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation (The) - Scientific Advisory Council1300002017-2018
M. BasikBiobanque de tumeurs vivantesPrivé Consortium McPeak Sirois1400002017-2018
W. GotliebEstimating the harms and benefits of cervical cancer screeningInstituts de recherche en santé du Canada261862017
P. ToninFANCI: Investigation of an emerging ovarian cancer susceptibility geneCancer Research Society (OCC)12000009/2016 – 08/2018
D. BachvarovVanderhyden, BInvestigating in vivo the role of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) in epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) dissemination by modulating LY75 expression, and analyzing the molecular mechanisms of LY75-mediated control of EOC cellular phenotypeCancer Research Society12000009/2016 - 08/2018
N. BeaucheminP Gros, S Jothy, Celia Greenwood Genetic Control of Susceptibility to Colon Cancer DevelopmenThe Cancer Research Society12000009/2016 - 08/2018
K. BordenEstablish diagnostic tools for identifying cancer patients vulnerable to UGT1related resistance and develop small molecular inhibitors of this resistance mechanismIRICoR29981109/2016-03/2017
P. ToninInvestigation of an emerging ovarian cancer susceptibility genesSaudi Arabian Cultural Bureau1000009/2019-08/2017
A. SpatzLeon van Kempen, S Huang, E Haddad, G Batist, H BoCOSMET (COllecting, analyzing, and screening Skin MElanoma for best combination TherapyFRQS-NSFC joint program3750008/2016 – 8/2019
S. TurcotteClaudia KleinmaUnderstanding what prevents the immune system from attacking colorectal cancer to develop new treatmentsThe Cancer Research Society12000007/2016-06/2018
AM. Mes-MassonJian Hui Wu, Diane Michele ProvencherTargeting cellular aneuploidy through modulation of Ran GTPase in epithelial ovarian cancerInstituts de recherche en santé du Canada80272507/2016 − 06/2021
J. Hui WuDevelopment of novel GATA2 inhibitors for breaking the critical AR-GATA2 feedback loop in castration-resistant prostate cancerProstate Cancer Canada, Movember Discovery Grant19300007/2016 − 06/2018
C. PerreaultThymus biology and the molecular definition of the immune selfInstituts de recherche en santé du Canada140196607/2016 - 06/2023
A. SpatzStandardization of ddPCR detection of ctDNA for T790EGFR screening in NSCLCAstrazeneca300002016/6 - 2021/6
S. AssoulineTranslational research in diffuse large B cell lymphomaSir Mortimer B. Davis The Jewish General Hospital Foundation1500006/2016 – 6/2021
F. DurocherC. Diorio, B. Coulombe, J. CorbeilDeciphering breast cancer HER2-negativity with regard to HER2-targeted therapyInstituts de recherche en santé du Canada68805104/2016 - 03/2020
C. DiorioC. Guillemette , A. Tchernof, F. Durocher, L. ProvencherEffect of environmental contaminants and methylome of breast adipose tissue on aromatase inhibitor efficacy in breast cancerInstituts de recherche en santé du Canada51221504/2016 - 03/2020
F. DavisJacob Easaw, Marshall Pitz, Joseph Megyesi, Yutaka Yasui, Yutaka Yasui, Mary McBride, Wilson Roa, Thierry Muanza, Claire Infante-Rivard.Brain Tumour Registry of CanadaBrain Canada49807404/2016
A. TchenofC. Diorio, F. DurocherMarqueurs de dysfonction adipeuse dans le contexte physiopathologique du cancer du seinFRQS et le Réseau de recherche sur la santé cardiométabolique, le diabète et l’obésité (CMDO)3000003/2016 - 02/2017
R. LeBlancEvaluation of the impact of standardized 8-color flow cytometry protocols (EuroFlow) on the diagnostic accuracy of poorly differentiated acute leukemiasBecton Dickinson Canada4406601/2016 - 03/2018
W. FoulkesInherited susceptibility to cancer: from gene discovery to mechanisms to clinical applications.Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)25336002016-2023
I. TopisirovicInvestigating the role of eIF2ß in translation reprogramming in cancerInstituts de recherche en santé du Canada10703002016-2021
A. OrthweinFrom genetic diversity to genomic instability: in vivo characterization of the deubiquitinase OTUB1 in B-cellsCanadian Institutes of Health Research8400002016 - 2021
A. OrthweinNAThe Cole Foundation Transition Grant1500002016-2019
M. ParkA.M. Mes-Masson, C. Moraes, T. Gervais; N. ZhangMultimodal strategies towards precision treatment for high burden cancersFRQS-NSFC4762502016-2019
T Mak, S. AparicioK. Gelmon, K. Pritchard, M. ParkTranslational development of novel drugs targeting cancer vulnerabilitiesStand Up To Cancer Canada90000002016-2019
G. SauvageauJosée Hébert, Philippe RouxDevelopment of Companion Therapies for Poor Outcome HMGA2+ Acute Myeloid LeukemiaLeukemia Lymphoma Society US, Translation Research Program600,000 USD2016 - 2019
T. HoangTargeting pre-leukemic stem cells in T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemiaCCSRI4500002016-2019
F. BarabéChallenging the Leukemia Stem Cell Theory in Human Acute LeukemiasLeukemia Lymphoma Society – of Canada1600002016-2018
G. BernardClaudia Kleinman, Benoit CoulombePOLR3-related leukodystrophy: a step forward towards clinical trialsThe European Leukodistrophy Association1200002016-2018
A. OrthweinIdentification of novel targets for the treatment of Diffuse Large B-cell LymphomaCancer Research Society Operating Grant1200002016 - 2018
A. OrthweinNALady Davis Institute Start up grant (Lady Davis Foundation)3500002016 - 2018
G. Batist, C. BorchersSecond Generation Diagnostics: iMALDI-based Assays for Protein Activity to Improve Patient Selection for Therapeutic Akt Inhibitors in Cancer TreatmentGenomic Applications Partnership Program (GAPP), Genome Canada13840852016-2018
M. Pollak, J Pelletier, I TopisirovicDirect inhibition of mRNA translation for treatment of pancreatic cancerCanadian Cancer Society Research Institute (CCSRI)1960002016 - 2017
M. PollakProstate cancer metabolism. Hold'em for LifeProstate Cancer Research Fund2540002016 - 2017
A. SpatzCOSMET (COllecting, analyzing, and screening Skin MElanoma for best combination TherapyICRF1500002016-2017
W. GotliebIntuitive Fellowship: Trajectory of Care and cost analysis of robotic surgery for ovarian cancerFRQS84,002016-2017
A. OrthweinGenome Integrity and Haematological malignanciesCanadian Foundation for Innovation (CFI) Leaders Opportunities Fund Award3310002016
S. Sabri Simone and Morris Fast Award for OncologyScholarship and Awards Committee of the Research Institute and Foundations of the McGill University Health Centre (MUHC)250002016
W Gotlieb, M. WitcherAmber YasmeenSequential therapeutic targeting of ovarian cancer harboring dysfunctional BRCA1Cancer Research Society12000010/2015-09/2017
A-M Mes-MassonD. Provencher, P ToninPARP inhibitor response in epithelial ovarian cancer: theranostic biomarkers and combination therapiesCancer Research Society12000010/2015 –09/2017
M. BrandRole of Oncogenic Transcription Factors in T-ALLCIHR MOP-34360382379007/2015 –06/2020
M. BrandPre-Clinical Evaluation of a Novel Targeted Epigenetic Therapy for Childhood T-ALLCancer Research Society12000009/2015 –08/2017
W. GotliebDr Susie Lau; Dr Shanon Salvador; Amber YasmeenAnalysis of abnormalities in Homologous Recombination and correlation with outcome in patients with high grade pelvic serous cancersAstra Zenica17975007/2015-07/2017
P. Tessier, F. BarabéTraitement de la leucémie myéloïde aiguë par la protéine S100A9Merck-Dohme – Fondation UL7500007/2015 - 06/2017
C. DiorioS. Lauzier, F. Durocher, A. Tchernof, C. Guillemette, L. Provencher, J. LemieuxStudy of the mechanism and efficacy of aromatase inhibitorsFondation des hôpitaux Enfant-Jésus - St-Sacrement6626506/2015 - 06/2017
P. ToninY. RagoussisAssessment of Pan-Canadian platform for known/proposed cancer susceptibility genesTFRI-OCC5000004/2015 – 05/2016
C. DiorioInfrastructure for a breast cancer prevention personalized approachFondation Canadienne pour l’Innovation 31235401/2015 - 12/2019
B Wilhelm, F. BarabéTranscriptional and epigenetic consequences of MLL-AF9 translocationsTerry Fox New investigator grant45000001/2015 - 12/2017
A.-M. Mes-MassonR. Lapointe, M. Park, C. Diorio, P. Siegel, D. Tran-Thanh, Quebec Breast Cancer Foundation Tissue Microarray Consortium for Biomarker Evaluation / Le consortium microétalage tissulaire de la Fondation cancer du sein du Québec pour l'évaluation de biomarqueursQuebec Breast Cancer 50000001/2015 - 12/2019
B. Wilhelm, F. BarabéDeveloping new diagnostic and therapeutic tool for acute myeloid MLL leukemiasMerck-UdeM translation research award250 00001/2015 - 12/2017
S. Cellot, K. HumphriesDeciphering the role of chromatin demethylases in high risk pediatric MLL acute myeloid leukemiaTerry Fox Research Institute (TRFI), #104445000001/2015 - 12/2017
W. FoulkesJ. Majewski, P. Tonin, Y. Riazalhosseini, F. RousseauThe genetics of breast cancer in the Quebec population: twenty years after BRCA 1/2Quebec Breast Cancer Foundation60000001/2015-12/2018
M. ParkDr. David JunckerHigh-throughput in silico and in vitro platforms to target tumor-stroma codependenciesQBCF-Cancer Research Society4196602015-2019
C. DiorioA. Tchernof,F. Durocher, C. Guillemette, L. Provencher,J. LemieuxImpact of obesity and epigenetic markers on the efficacy of aromatase inhibitorsMerck Sharpe & Dohme - Faculté de médecine7500011/2014 - 10/2016
D. Laurin,C. Dionne,Exposition cumulée aux stresseurs psychosociaux, marqueurs inflammatoires, télomères et fonction cognitive : Une étude prospective de 20 ansInstituts de recherche en santé du Canada78192107/2014 - 06/2019
C. BrissonC. Diorio,Y. Giguère,B. Mâsse,E. Maunsell,A. Milot,R. Ndjaboue Njik, M. Vézina
C. DiorioOmega-3 fatty acids and the obesity-related markers in breast tissues: A personalized approach to breast cancer preventionCCSRI - Bourse salariale de développement de capacité en prévention de l'IRSCC et FCSQ22500007/2014 - 06/2017
C. DiorioUne approche personnalisée pour la prévention du cancer du seinFRQ-S - Bourse salariale Chercheur-boursier Junior 213378307/2014 - 06/2016
C. DiorioF. Durocher,S. Jacob, B. Têtu, J. Lemieux, L. ProvencherDNA methylation in normal breast tissue associated to risk of second contralateral breast cancerInstitut de recherche de la Société canadienne du cancer (IRSCC)19989603/2014 - 02/2017
D. Pe'er, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, USCharacterizing leukemic subpopulations in TET2- mutant AMLNational Institute of Health (NIH), Grant DP1-HD084071495,000 USD2014-2019
A. PichéClaudine Rancourt, Paul Bessette, Claude Laplante, Perrine Garde-GrangerCytokines and chemokines profiling of ovarian cancer ascites to define a robust oncoinflammatory profile with strong predictive values for response to first-line treatment: a pilot studyCRICUS - Université de Sherbrooke80002014-2017
A. PichéPaul Bessette, Claude Laplante, Perrine Garde-GrangerAnalyse des profils pro-inflammatoires dans l’ascite de patientes avec cancer ovarien pour établir un profil de biomarqueurs permettant de prédire la réponse au traitement de première ligne: une étude pilotePAFI - CRCHUS250002014-2017
G. Sauvageau, J. Hébert Et al.Innovative chemogenomic tools to improve outcome in acute myeloid leukemiaGénome Canada (concours 2012 en médecine personnalisée) et Génome-Québec1132563104/2013 - 04/2017
C. Perreault, DC Royet coll.Personalized Cancer ImmunotherapyGénome Canada (concours 2012 en médecine personnalisée), Génome-Québec and Canadian Cancer Society134867842013 - 2017
G. SauvageauLead compounds and therapeutic targets for Hox-Meis leukemiaCanadian Cancer Society Research Institute (CCSRI) – Impact program - Grant number 701573124827502/2013 - 01/2018
C. PerreaultAntigen-specific adoptive T-cell immunotherapy of leukemiaCanadian Cancer Society Research Institute (CCSRI) – Impact program107500002/2013- 01/2018
N. JohnsonOvercoming therapeutic resistance in lymphomaInstituts de recherche en santé du Canada4491662013-2016
AM. Mes-MassonD. Huntsman, D. Provencher: Co-PIs: D. Miller, B. Gilks, B. Nelson, P. Watson, H. Steed, T. Magliocco, M. Koebel, J. Murphy, T. Brown, P. Shaw. A. Oza, H. Hirte, J. Squire, B. Vanderhyden, J. Weberpals, M, Fung Kee Fung, T. Shephard, P. Tonin, W. Gotlied, A. Piché, D. Bachvarov, B. Têtu, M. Plante, I. Bairati, M. Nachtigal, H. MacKay, M. Bernardi, B. Clarke, and K. RahimiA pan-Canadian platform for the development of biomarker-driven subtype specific management of ovarian cancer (Phase II)Terry Fox Research Institute407000003/2011-03/2019
T MöröyFunction of the protein Miz-1 in lymphoid leukemia and lymphomaCIHR MOP – 11520270646010/2011 – 9/2016
A-M Mes-MassonM Basik, G Batist, D Bachvarov, C Diorio, P Ghadirian, W Foulkes, W Gotlieb, J Hébert, R Lapointe, B Lespérance, M Park, D Provencher, A Piché, B Têtu, PN ToninBanque de tissues et de données pour le cancer du sein et du l’ovaireFRQS440000004/2011 –03/2017
W. FoulkesHereditary breast cancer: cause and effectSusan G Komen Foundation13250002010-2017