Equitable Learning Health System (SSAE):

The advancement of scientific knowledge regarding cancer treatments and therapeutic strategies has accelerated at a considerable pace and the idea of promoting precision medicine is now widely accepted. In the field of cancer, as more broadly in the health sector, the time that elapses between the publication of a discovery or the development of an innovation and its implementation in health systems is estimated to be one or two decades and many discoveries are never implemented. To address these gaps, a new field of research called « implementation science » has emerged. It is the study of methods to promote the adoption and integration of evidence-based practices, interventions and public policies in the health care system that aim to improve the health of patients and populations in an equitable manner.

The SSAE axis will focus its efforts on:

  • Creating linkages between researchers working in implementation science, researchers working in basic and clinical sciences, as well as managers, clinicians, patients and citizens.
  • Develop a shared vision of a learning and equitable cancer health system and identify structuring projects and communication and networking tools that will enable collaboration in its development.
  • Accelerate the adoption, implementation and sustainability of value-added therapeutic innovations that will contribute to the achievement of the fivefold objective of a learning and equitable health care system.
  • Promote the adoption of new evidence-based professional and interprofessional cancer practices.


Lise Gauvin
Université de Montréal
Sophie Marcoux
Université Laval