Affiliated Biobanks in Quebec:

RRCancer has two research axes for which they actively participate in the banking of biological material: the Quebec Leukemia Cell Bank (BCLQ) axis and the Tissue and Data Bank axis (BTD).  Each axis has chosen to organize its activities separately.

  • The BCLQ centralizes biological material from hematological cancers taken from several hospitals, including centers affiliated with the adult program and the pediatric and young adult program.For more details on the material available and how to access it, consult the BCLQ website.
  • The BTD brings together several individual banks spread out in various hospitals in Quebec. It focuses on the banking of biological material from solid cancers. The BTD has 11 subsidized banks whose cancers of interest are those of breast and the ovary. The BTD also has several affiliated banks that use the various tools made available by the network.  The latter concentrate their activities on a variety of cancers. If you wish to have more information on BTD banks, please follow this link.