The principal mission of this axis is to allow for an organized infrastructure and encourage scientific relationships that stimulate the development of multidisciplinary teams in cancer research, which utilizes specific resources such as databases and tissue banking. The main focus of this axis is breast and ovarian cancer. However, the development of this infrastructure could serve as a springboard for a much larger spectrum of research initiatives.
By focusing on the development of a provincial ovarian and breast tissue bank and their related databases, researchers within this axis have been able to come together to develop collaborative research projects based on this valuable resource. Genomics, proteomics and mutation analysis platforms have been set up and this expertise is a benefit to all researchers. Several projects involving new collaborators in this area have been developed and now receive competitive grants, some of which are based on large-scale projects. Over the next few years, four main research themes will be at the heart of this axis, including:
- Study of hereditary breast and ovarian cancer diseases;
- The development of xenograft models derived from patients, and aimed at identifying new therapeutic approaches with a view to personalized medicine;
- Identification of biomarkers leading to optimized management for cancer patients;
- The consolidation of immuno-oncology efforts for solid cancers.
Dr Moulay Alaoui-Jamali
Dr Lesley Alpert
Dr Armen Aprikian
Dr Dimtcho Bachvarov
Dre Isabelle Bairati
Dr Mark Basik
Dr Gerald Batist
Dr Alain Bergeron
Dr François-Michel Boisvert
Dr François Boudreau
Dre Marie-Claude Bourgeois-Daigneault
Dr Jean-François Cailhier
Dr Michel Carmel
Dre Julie Carrier
Dre Simone Chevalier
Dr Jean-François Côté
Dr Robert Day
Dre Guila Delouya
Dre Caroline Diorio
Dre Francine Durocher
Dr Gerardo Ferbeyre
Dr David Fortin
Dr William Foulkes
Dr Yves Fradet
Dr Louis Gaboury
Dr Thomas Gervais
Dr Walter Gotlieb
Dre Saima Hassan
Dr Sidong Huang
Dre Anita Koushik
Dr David Labbé
Dr Louis Lacombe
Dr Jacques Lapointe
Dr Réjean Lapointe
Dre Korine Lapointe-Milot
Dr Michel Lebel
Dr Sébastien Lemieux
Dre Anne-Marie Mes-Masson
Dr William Muller
Dr Benoit Paquette
Dre Morag Park
Dr Michel Pavic
Dr Alain Piché
Dre Diane Provencher
Dr Kurosh Rahimi
Dre Nathalie Rivard
Dr Francis Rodier
Dr Bertrand Routy
Dr Fred Saad
Dr Robert Sabbagh
Dr François Sanschagrin
Dr Peter Siegel
Dr John Stagg
Dre Lee-Hwa Tai
Dre Patricia Tonin
Dre Dominique Trudel
Dr Simon Turcotte
Dr Ian Robert Watson
Dr Phil Wong