The main missions of the Quebec Leukemia Cell Bank are:
- To set up a bank of well-characterized human blood tumour cells. The constitutional DNA is also stored for the majority of samples. A computerized databank includes all laboratory tests performed on these specimens, as well as the corresponding clinical data. Before this bank was created, the absence of access to adequate blood tumour specimens severely hampered our researchers’ efforts to competitively pursue their work. Also, the availability of these specimens now makes it possible to establish an essential link between the basic and clinical research communities.
- Provide chromosomal analysis by conventional cytogenetics and spectral karyotyping (SKY) for human and mouse cells.
- Contribute to the training of specialized staff and students.
The program’s objectives are:
- Understanding the mechanisms involved in hematological malignancies
- Developing tools and expertise to:
- Facilitate the work of researchers in hematology, oncology and immunology
- Facilitate blood cancer diagnosis, prognosis and treatments
- Developing new therapies for hematological cancers
This axis represents an undeniable strength in terms of research activities in hematological cancer. In addition to continuing its banking activities, this theme focuses on:
- The identification, development and validation of new biomarkers and therapeutic targets in acute leukemia.
- The support of programs for the development of new personalized therapies, including immunotherapy and the search for new chemical molecules, aimed at eradicating leukemic stem cells.
Dr El Bachir Affar
Dr Imran Ahmad
Dre Sarit Assouline
Dre Nadia Bambace
Dr Frédéric Barabé
Dre Julie Bergeron
Dr Richard Bertrand
Dre Katherine L.B.Borden
Dr Michel Bouvier
Dr Lambert Busque
Dr Guillaume Richard Carpentier
Dr Christian Carrier
Dre Sonia Cellot
Dr Ghislain Cournoyer
Dr Jean Sébastien Delisle
Dr Javier Di Noia
Dr Michel Duval
Dre Susan Fox
Dre Josée Hébert
Dre Trang Hoang
Dre Nathalie Johnson
Dr Marc Lalancette
Dr Vincent-Philippe Lavallée
Dr Richard Leblanc
Dr Sébastien Lemieux
Dr Bernard Lespérance
Dre Julie Lessard
Dr François Letendre
Dre Koren Mann
Dre Anne Marinier
Dr Eric Milot
Dr David Mitchell
Dr Tarik Moroy
Dr Yves Pastore
Dr Claude Perreault
Dr Stéphane Richard
Dr John Rioux
Dr Philippe Roux
Dr Denis-Claude Roy
Dr Jean Roy
Dr Guy Sauvageau
Dr Daniel Sinnett
Dr John Stagg
Dre Danielle Talbot
Dr Pierre Thibault
Dr Brian Wilhelm
Ma’n H Zawati, LL.M